Basic information

„Save the tip“ is an easy way to save money in everyday trade by using Visa debit card. It allows the users of these cards to transfer the difference between the bill amount and the first larger amount to another transaction account.

Amounts can be rounded to 0,50 EUR, 1,00 EUR, 2,00 or 5,00 EUR, and difference can be transferred to the account of term deposit, account of Children savings „Kolibri“, or any other transaction account to which payment card is not linked during each purchase.

The highest amount for transfer to the chosen account according to one transaction can be 0,49 EUR, 0,99 EUR, 1,99 EUR or 4,99 EUR, and minimum amount for transfer can be 0,01 EUR.




The transfer of funds can be contracted to an existing or newly opened savings account in euros.

If a new cumulative savings account is opened when contracting savings, “Save the tip” to which the change will be transferred, then the usual minimum deposit of EUR 20 to the savings account is not required.

Example 1

  • You chose limit of 0,50 EUR

  • Your bill amount is 3,20 EUR

  • With “Save the tip“ on your saving account there will be “paid“ 0,30 EUR (difference up to 3,50 EUR)

Example 2

  • You chose limit of 1,00 EUR

  • Your bill amount is 3,20 EUR

  • With “Save the tip“ on your saving account there will be “paid“ 0,80 EUR (difference up to 4,00 EUR)
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