- 30.08.2023.
Information on delivery of SMS messages
Dear clients,
As some mobile operators are not able to deliver or are late in delivery of SMS messages (for OTP and information on account changes, 3D Secure code for confirming payment by card on the Internet), we would like to inform you that the Bank has introduced continuous support of our staff for the clients facing this situation.
The reason for delay is usually the policy of the mobile operator, so the operator and the bank have to resolve the issue jointly, but this activity requires time.
Due to the aforementioned, whether you are a resident client of the bank in roaming or non-resident client faced with this situation, you are required to report the issue and members of our team will deliver to you OTP codes for logging in e-banking or m-banking application as well as payment confirmation codes in order to ensure smooth payment transaction execution.
The support will be available starting from today via regular call or via WhatsApp using the following phone no:
+38267169778 and +38267159424, within the period from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM CET.
After you reported the issue, in the meanwhile, our team will try to resolve it as soon as possible, together with your mobile operator, and provide unhindered use of our on-line services.
Thank you for your trust,
Yours Adriatic Bank